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Playful Narration: Interactive installations

Playful Narration showcases final projects of the class Interactive Multimedia Environment, which is an elective of the Master of Science in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology (MScMET) program.

Exhibition from 16 - 24 April 2016

12:00noon- 7:00pmGallery D

Podium Level, Innovation Tower

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Opening Reception: 15 April 2016 (Friday) 6:00pm

------------------------------------------------------------------- The Master of Science in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology (MScMET), offered by the School of Design (SD) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is a world-renowned multimedia programme that explores crossdisciplinary media applications and technologies. Students learn about the multimedia industry, creative processes for developing innovative ideas, the application of emerging technology in media, and entrepreneurial skills to successfully see a project from conception to completion. The programme offers three constantly adapting streams: Game Development; Applied Design Psychology; and Social, Mobile and Internet. In Game Development, students learn the latest in game design techniques, whilst in Applied Design Psychology, students gain insight into creative thinking and designing content. In Social, Mobile and Internet, students learn about how cutting edge technologies impact digital entertainment.

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