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Born and raised in Hong Kong, her wide-ranging artistic output covers the traditional acoustic compositions for instruments and voice, experimental interactive electroacoustic works to creative multimedia theatre collaborations. She is the co-curator of The Missing Link, a publicly funded two-year project comprising a series of arts technology exhibitions, immersive performance, and open lectures on the use of technology in arts in modern times. Law worked as a Visiting Scholar at Queen’s University Belfast on a project funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. 

Classically trained in her early years, Law steered her focus towards electroacoustic music composition whilst studying for her master’s degree at Ball State University in the United States. Law’s pieces and installations have been premiered and exhibited internationally at various events and festivals. Her doctoral research was on the use of gestures in electroacoustic music, in particular everyday gestures used by musicians and non-musicians alike, which Law manages to incorporate in some of her works by translating gestures into sound and images. Law was granted the Fulbright Research Scholar Award in 2014 to conduct a 10-month research project at the Louisiana Digital Media Centre. The research culminated in the Soft Instruments Project which developed prototypes of electronic music interfaces custom-made for people with developmental disability, who are at higher risk of sustaining unintentional injury in the music making process.






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